Last Price Today's Change   Day's Range   Trading Volume
0.545   -0.03 (5.22%)  0.545 - 0.57  226,500
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tgshah35 Wow kow kow flush...hahahaha
21/10/2021 9:48 AM
niktraderinvestor Kaw2 jerung flush contra player on t3 ari ni...hrp mampu absorb selling pressure hr ni
21/10/2021 12:33 PM
niktraderinvestor Mcm duk ulang perangai minggu lps jek ni. Candlestick pun lbih kurg pattern. Esok@isnin hrp dia to the moon..cmon milux
21/10/2021 5:19 PM
tgshah35 Harap2 esok dapat pecah 1270....Hahaha
21/10/2021 8:10 PM
niktraderinvestor Nice ahhh.. minggu dpn hrp dpt new ath
22/10/2021 5:27 PM
niktraderinvestor Nk buat bullish pennant ke tu milux
26/10/2021 6:04 PM
niktraderinvestor Congretssss milux holderr
28/10/2021 4:54 PM
niktraderinvestor Turun tanpa volume. Kasi shake2 dulu. Minggu dpn kasi ath baru lah milux
29/10/2021 8:54 PM
mystery gg milux
01/11/2021 12:30 PM
ChloeTai Why today, market is so bad? Got to cut loss already.
01/11/2021 1:42 PM
niktraderinvestor Morning star ke tu milux
02/11/2021 6:21 PM
niktraderinvestor Huatttt ahhhh milux
05/11/2021 12:21 PM
niktraderinvestor Hrp minggu ni ada game
08/11/2021 8:11 PM
mystery no show
10/11/2021 5:05 PM
nik5007 Next Khind.. Tp myr 4
10/11/2021 11:46 PM
niktraderinvestor Naisssss ah miluxx
11/11/2021 5:58 PM
mystery how to compare milux to khind....
12/11/2021 12:20 PM
niktraderinvestor Gogogooooo
20/11/2021 6:18 AM
niktraderinvestor Pullback dulu.. penat dh mendaki
23/11/2021 7:58 PM
mf 25-Nov-2021 Quarter Result Quarter Result on 30-Sep-2021[#3] QoQ - -73.68% YoY - -31.34%.
26/11/2021 7:05 AM
imvu besok rebound
01/12/2021 11:04 AM
J2911 strong sell today
01/12/2021 3:13 PM
imvu hari ni hijau , besok hijau , hari hari hijau ?
07/12/2021 11:58 PM
imvu merah menjunam ..
09/12/2021 3:54 PM
mf run
09/12/2021 4:02 PM
imvu sudah -24% lagi -6% nak limit down .
09/12/2021 4:05 PM
imvu sekarang musim , kaunter kaunter terjun limit down .
09/12/2021 4:06 PM
imvu kacau betul la milux ni .. orang lain limit down dia pun nak limit down .. tak boleh limit down minggu depan ke ..
09/12/2021 4:08 PM
imvu rebound ..
09/12/2021 4:09 PM
imvu kasi naik tinggi tinggi ...
09/12/2021 4:09 PM
imvu atas rm1
09/12/2021 4:10 PM
imvu hit and run .
09/12/2021 4:11 PM
Collin64 Strange. What happened? Free float for Milux is low, less than 7%
09/12/2021 5:03 PM
whizzkid .92 - 1.03 a good kong CAKE.
10/12/2021 12:52 PM
carimakan barang electric bnyak rosak kena banjir ni..
27/12/2021 12:48 PM
hslee5 Milux gas stove boleh jual banyak juga... barang letrik harga economy...
06/01/2022 9:47 AM
a98hzm to the moon
31/03/2022 3:39 PM
imvu sunyi sepi je sini , macam takde apa yang menarik
31/03/2022 4:15 PM
HazByn normal only..goreng2 before ramadhan.
31/03/2022 4:55 PM
Jaeger to the moooon!!!
01/04/2022 9:49 AM
bjgdila123 monday clsg down....
02/04/2022 2:13 PM
bjgdila123 yes time 2 collect , collect ... 1.20 coming
05/04/2022 5:43 PM
satha44 Not sure why..EPF keeps buying Panasonic @ a PE of 22
When Pensonic and Khind are both trading at a PE of about 5.5...
Milux is the most volatile.. .
15/04/2022 11:43 AM
Tibbers time to fly again :)
26/04/2022 4:43 PM
loneranger163 go go milux, touch 1.30 next week
13/05/2022 3:48 PM
VTrade 不是说恒强的吗?
08/06/2022 9:48 AM
VTrade https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=y3EkHdWUCAI
12/06/2022 12:27 AM
Lightspeed Milux is the most f/up stock.. No point in investing in this unstable.. Better dump all.. China mainland stock
25/08/2022 11:06 AM
Awence No trading at all, anybody knows what's wrong
26/10/2022 9:54 AM
calvintaneng Insider DUMPING

Better get out before too late!


This is NINJA!

08/02/2024 7:53 AM