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2.63   -0.06 (2.23%)  2.61 - 2.69  4,405,200
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  14 people like this.
JovaneChua 😁
08/04/2024 2:38 AM
YourQuirkyWays29 iTs GOinG dOwN~~~ LoL
DroPpInG aGaiN TOdaY. LoL.
08/04/2024 10:28 AM
Why2TellMeWhy https://www.cdc.gov/ncird/whats-new/human-infection-H5N1-bird-flu.html
08/04/2024 3:06 PM
Why2TellMeWhy Gloves sales can go up with bird flu?
08/04/2024 3:06 PM
Why2TellMeWhy https://www.msn.com/en-au/health/other/map-shows-where-bird-flu-is-spreading-in-us-amid-new-warning/ar-BB1l9DaF?ocid=socialshare
08/04/2024 3:32 PM
TaiMeiLi yup, bird flu does increase demand for gloves
08/04/2024 4:12 PM
YourQuirkyWays29 Instead of looking at isolated events, just look at overall health awareness rising. In for the long term growth, not short term profit.
08/04/2024 6:29 PM
Why2TellMeWhy Rapid testing in US coming gais. Glove demand up up up!
09/04/2024 6:21 AM
Why2TellMeWhy https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-cdc-says-bird-flu-risk-low-asks-states-be-ready-with-rapid-testing-plan-2024-04-08/
09/04/2024 6:21 AM
TaiMeiLi Short-term profits are bombarded by certain events and long-term growth is guaranteed 😁
09/04/2024 4:53 PM
JovaneChua Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
10/04/2024 11:08 PM
Gaussian It’s dropping now. lol
12/04/2024 11:43 AM
Gaussian Drooooopppppiinnnnggggg lol
12/04/2024 11:50 AM
YourQuirkyWays29 Dropping from 2.3? 2.4? xD joker still got face
12/04/2024 2:31 PM
YourQuirkyWays29 I only know its higher than the last time you say will drop to 2.5, 2.4, 2.3. Instead, it went up, and its 2.7 now xDDD
12/04/2024 2:33 PM
TeoYeo https://www.enanyang.my/%E8%B4%A2%E7%BB%8F%E6%96%B0%E9%97%BB/%E5%88%98%E6%98%AD%E7%94%AB%E5%AE%A2%E6%88%B7%E8%A1%A5%E5%85%85%E5%BA%93%E5%AD%98-%E8%83%B6%E6%89%8B%E5%A5%97%E6%98%8E%E5%B9%B4%E6%9C%89%E6%9C%9B%E4%BE%9B%E9%9C%80%E5%B9%B3%E8%A1%A1?fbclid=IwAR2AmS9b7beTStedkDS0SKgQz1BOWBsM3aIRWYxWjY56wqj-CN69Qx9Kt5w
12/04/2024 2:45 PM
Gaussian Next week drop more. lol
12/04/2024 7:16 PM
TaiMeiLi You had missed your chance to grab it at low price, glove naysayers even though you shouted drop πŸ˜—
15/04/2024 11:01 AM
YourQuirkyWays29 Drop where? @Gaussian what's your prediction this time? let's see how many times you get it wrong
15/04/2024 11:17 AM
Gaussian Dropping. lol
15/04/2024 4:42 PM
JovaneChua Wish the world peaceful, wish all are good, no life gone.
16/04/2024 2:25 AM
mf Dow Jones

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16/04/2024 6:08 AM
Gaussian Dropping again. lol.
16/04/2024 9:07 AM
YourQuirkyWays29 xD no more balls to predict
16/04/2024 10:10 AM
JovaneChua rise proudly tomorrow
16/04/2024 5:37 PM
TaiMeiLi Tomorrow Harta will rebound, for sure πŸ˜„
16/04/2024 6:06 PM
Gaussian Hahaha let’s see.
16/04/2024 9:56 PM
JovaneChua Post removed. Why?
16/04/2024 11:50 PM
JovaneChua pull the skin up, and wash inside, please.
16/04/2024 11:50 PM
JovaneChua regardless of share price, let's pray that the war is not starting, because if it does, all of us will suffer. don't be selfish. not to argue, especially at moment like this.
16/04/2024 11:55 PM
YourQuirkyWays29 hahaha that escalated quickly. Don't let the trolls get to you, he don't even dare to say which stocks he buy, just going around red counters talking crap.
17/04/2024 12:19 PM
YourQuirkyWays29 in a green day he disappears hahahah, a new "period" boy has been found.
17/04/2024 5:38 PM
JovaneChua he washing
17/04/2024 6:18 PM
TaiMeiLi Make money from Harta and donate some to those in need 😊
18/04/2024 7:56 AM
speakup Dulu i make money donate a lot to Pakatan Rakyat & Pakatan Harapan.
Now after see how Pmx behave as a Fake Reformist, I will no longer donate a single sen to any political party!
18/04/2024 7:58 AM
Gaussian Dropping lol
18/04/2024 3:49 PM
Gaussian One day show. lol
18/04/2024 3:49 PM
TaiMeiLi Rebounding lor when closing. Don't get too high when it's a small drop πŸ˜‚
18/04/2024 9:11 PM
Gaussian Dropping again. lol
19/04/2024 10:01 AM
YourQuirkyWays29 1 day show? xD i only know its been 2 months and havent hit 2.3. 2 months ago you make noise its RM2.6, now its still RM2.6, kecoh apa? go read back your own comment history and see price chart, it is just moving side ways waiting for next QR.

if any of you bought at high and sold at low since last QR, shame on you but no one else. Stop gambling, start studying.
19/04/2024 10:19 AM
JovaneChua peace and love to world
19/04/2024 12:36 PM
Gaussian Is it dropping today ? lol
19/04/2024 12:36 PM
JovaneChua sad to see monkey pox and bird flu spreading
19/04/2024 12:37 PM
Gaussian Today 2.60. Next week 2.50 lol
19/04/2024 12:37 PM
Gaussian No order for monkey pox or bird flu. lol
19/04/2024 12:38 PM
Gaussian Hahaha it’s dropping. lol
19/04/2024 12:39 PM
TeoYeo Israel strikes back against Iran
19/04/2024 12:49 PM
YourQuirkyWays29 Yeah lol, whole world afraid of war and whole stock market is dropping. This joker come here comment as though Harta is the only one. Top notch stup1dity in action.
19/04/2024 5:40 PM
YourQuirkyWays29 At least he up his TP, no more 2.3. If Iran and Israel goes to war, I will happily take RM2.5.
19/04/2024 5:42 PM
TaiMeiLi Stay calm and the crisis in the Middle East will eventually ease
20/04/2024 6:16 PM