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[10] [GCB]: GUAN CHONG BHD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -862.74 [-8.78%] over total capital of 9,822.74  |  IRR: -3.91%

[10] [GCB]: GUAN CHONG BHD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -862.74  |  -8.78% return over total capital of 9,822.74  |  Balance Qty.: 3,500  |  Last Price: 3,500  |  Market Value: 3,500

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
3,500 2.56 8,960.00 9,822.74 -862.74 -8.78% -8.78%

Total Return: -862.74  |  -8.78% return over total capital of 9,822.74  |  IRR: -3.91%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
9,822.74 0.00 [0.00%] -862.74 [-8.78%] +0.00 [0.00%] -862.74 [-8.78%] -3.91%

Balance Cost: 9,822.74  |  -862.74(-8.78%) return over balance cost of 9,822.74

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+9,822.74 -0.00 -0.00 9,822.74 -862.74 8,960.00 -8.78%

Last Price: 2.56  |  Average Cost: 2.806 [-8.78%]  |  Balance Cost: 2.806 [-8.78%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
2.56 3,500 2.806 -8.78% 2.806 -8.78%

Total Buy: 9,822.74  |  Buy Qty.: 3,500  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy 2.80 +3,500 +9,822.74 3,500 9,822.74 2.806 9,822.74 2.806
3,500 9,822.74

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy +3,500 2.80 +9,822.74 3,500 - 9,822.74 2.806 9,822.74 2.806

IRR -3.91%
Total Capital 9,822.74
Average Cost 2.806 3,500 9,822.74
Market Value 2.56 3,500 8,960.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -862.74 [-8.78%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -862.74 [-8.78%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -862.74 [-8.78%]
Total Buy Transaction 9,822.74
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 9,822.74
Market Value 8,960.00
Total Return -862.74
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -8.78%


[9] [UCHITEC]: UCHI TECHNOLOGIES BHD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +2,151.93 [21.37%] over total capital of 10,072.07  |  IRR: 8.76%

[9] [UCHITEC]: UCHI TECHNOLOGIES BHD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +2,151.93  |  21.37% return over total capital of 10,072.07  |  Balance Qty.: 3,200  |  Last Price: 3,200  |  Market Value: 3,200

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
3,200 3.82 12,224.00 10,072.07 +2,151.93 21.37% 21.37%

Total Return: +2,151.93  |  21.37% return over total capital of 10,072.07  |  IRR: 8.76%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
10,072.07 0.00 [0.00%] +2,151.93 [21.37%] +0.00 [0.00%] +2,151.93 [21.37%] 8.76%

Balance Cost: 10,072.07  |  +2,151.93(21.37%) return over balance cost of 10,072.07

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+10,072.07 -0.00 -0.00 10,072.07 +2,151.93 12,224.00 21.37%

Last Price: 3.82  |  Average Cost: 3.147 [21.37%]  |  Balance Cost: 3.147 [21.37%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
3.82 3,200 3.147 21.37% 3.147 21.37%

Total Buy: 10,072.07  |  Buy Qty.: 3,200  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy 3.14 +3,200 +10,072.07 3,200 10,072.07 3.147 10,072.07 3.147
3,200 10,072.07

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy +3,200 3.14 +10,072.07 3,200 - 10,072.07 3.147 10,072.07 3.147

IRR 8.76%
Total Capital 10,072.07
Average Cost 3.147 3,200 10,072.07
Market Value 3.82 3,200 12,224.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +2,151.93 [21.37%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +2,151.93 [21.37%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +2,151.93 [21.37%]
Total Buy Transaction 10,072.07
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 10,072.07
Market Value 12,224.00
Total Return +2,151.93
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 21.37%


[8] [CAPITALA]: CAPITAL A BERHAD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -1,802.05 [-17.92%] over total capital of 10,057.05  |  IRR: -8.21%

[8] [CAPITALA]: CAPITAL A BERHAD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -1,802.05  |  -17.92% return over total capital of 10,057.05  |  Balance Qty.: 12,700  |  Last Price: 12,700  |  Market Value: 12,700

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
12,700 0.65 8,255.00 10,057.05 -1,802.05 -17.92% -17.92%

Total Return: -1,802.05  |  -17.92% return over total capital of 10,057.05  |  IRR: -8.21%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
10,057.05 0.00 [0.00%] -1,802.05 [-17.92%] +0.00 [0.00%] -1,802.05 [-17.92%] -8.21%

Balance Cost: 10,057.05  |  -1,802.05(-17.92%) return over balance cost of 10,057.05

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+10,057.05 -0.00 -0.00 10,057.05 -1,802.05 8,255.00 -17.92%

Last Price: 0.65  |  Average Cost: 0.791 [-17.92%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.791 [-17.92%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.65 12,700 0.791 -17.92% 0.791 -17.92%

Total Buy: 10,057.05  |  Buy Qty.: 12,700  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy 0.79 +12,700 +10,057.05 12,700 10,057.05 0.791 10,057.05 0.791
12,700 10,057.05

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy +12,700 0.79 +10,057.05 12,700 - 10,057.05 0.791 10,057.05 0.791

IRR -8.21%
Total Capital 10,057.05
Average Cost 0.791 12,700 10,057.05
Market Value 0.65 12,700 8,255.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -1,802.05 [-17.92%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -1,802.05 [-17.92%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -1,802.05 [-17.92%]
Total Buy Transaction 10,057.05
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 10,057.05
Market Value 8,255.00
Total Return -1,802.05
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -17.92%


[7] [ARMADA]: BUMI ARMADA BERHAD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +2,309.04 [23.12%] over total capital of 9,986.96  |  IRR: 9.44%

[7] [ARMADA]: BUMI ARMADA BERHAD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +2,309.04  |  23.12% return over total capital of 9,986.96  |  Balance Qty.: 21,200  |  Last Price: 21,200  |  Market Value: 21,200

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
21,200 0.58 12,296.00 9,986.96 +2,309.04 23.12% 23.12%

Total Return: +2,309.04  |  23.12% return over total capital of 9,986.96  |  IRR: 9.44%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
9,986.96 0.00 [0.00%] +2,309.04 [23.12%] +0.00 [0.00%] +2,309.04 [23.12%] 9.44%

Balance Cost: 9,986.96  |  +2,309.04(23.12%) return over balance cost of 9,986.96

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+9,986.96 -0.00 -0.00 9,986.96 +2,309.04 12,296.00 23.12%

Last Price: 0.58  |  Average Cost: 0.471 [23.12%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.471 [23.12%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.58 21,200 0.471 23.12% 0.471 23.12%

Total Buy: 9,986.96  |  Buy Qty.: 21,200  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy 0.47 +21,200 +9,986.96 21,200 9,986.96 0.471 9,986.96 0.471
21,200 9,986.96

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy +21,200 0.47 +9,986.96 21,200 - 9,986.96 0.471 9,986.96 0.471

IRR 9.44%
Total Capital 9,986.96
Average Cost 0.471 21,200 9,986.96
Market Value 0.58 21,200 12,296.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +2,309.04 [23.12%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +2,309.04 [23.12%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +2,309.04 [23.12%]
Total Buy Transaction 9,986.96
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 9,986.96
Market Value 12,296.00
Total Return +2,309.04
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 23.12%


[6] [SYGROUP]: SHIN YANG GROUP BERHAD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return +7,855.00 [78.38%] over total capital of 10,022.00  |  IRR: 28.55%

[6] [SYGROUP]: SHIN YANG GROUP BERHAD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: +7,855.00  |  78.38% return over total capital of 10,022.00  |  Balance Qty.: 30,300  |  Last Price: 30,300  |  Market Value: 30,300

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
30,300 0.59 17,877.00 10,022.00 +7,855.00 78.38% 78.38%

Total Return: +7,855.00  |  78.38% return over total capital of 10,022.00  |  IRR: 28.55%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
10,022.00 0.00 [0.00%] +7,855.00 [78.38%] +0.00 [0.00%] +7,855.00 [78.38%] 28.55%

Balance Cost: 10,022.00  |  +7,855.00(78.38%) return over balance cost of 10,022.00

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+10,022.00 -0.00 -0.00 10,022.00 +7,855.00 17,877.00 78.38%

Last Price: 0.59  |  Average Cost: 0.330 [78.38%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.330 [78.38%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.59 30,300 0.330 78.38% 0.330 78.38%

Total Buy: 10,022.00  |  Buy Qty.: 30,300  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy 0.33 +30,300 +10,022.00 30,300 10,022.00 0.330 10,022.00 0.330
30,300 10,022.00

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy +30,300 0.33 +10,022.00 30,300 - 10,022.00 0.330 10,022.00 0.330

IRR 28.55%
Total Capital 10,022.00
Average Cost 0.33 30,300 10,022.00
Market Value 0.59 30,300 17,877.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] +7,855.00 [78.38%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] +7,855.00 [78.38%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] +7,855.00 [78.38%]
Total Buy Transaction 10,022.00
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 10,022.00
Market Value 17,877.00
Total Return +7,855.00
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) 78.38%


[5] [HEXCAP]: HEXTAR CAPITAL BERHAD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -6,054.92 [-60.82%] over total capital of 9,954.92  |  IRR: -33.41%

[5] [HEXCAP]: HEXTAR CAPITAL BERHAD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -6,054.92  |  -60.82% return over total capital of 9,954.92  |  Balance Qty.: 10,400  |  Last Price: 10,400  |  Market Value: 10,400

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
10,400 0.375 3,900.00 9,954.92 -6,054.92 -60.82% -60.82%

Total Return: -6,054.92  |  -60.82% return over total capital of 9,954.92  |  IRR: -33.41%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
9,954.92 0.00 [0.00%] -6,054.92 [-60.82%] +0.00 [0.00%] -6,054.92 [-60.82%] -33.41%

Balance Cost: 9,954.92  |  -6,054.92(-60.82%) return over balance cost of 9,954.92

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+9,954.92 -0.00 -0.00 9,954.92 -6,054.92 3,900.00 -60.82%

Last Price: 0.375  |  Average Cost: 0.957 [-60.82%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.957 [-60.82%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.375 10,400 0.957 -60.82% 0.957 -60.82%

Total Buy: 9,954.92  |  Buy Qty.: 10,400  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy 0.955 +10,400 +9,954.92 10,400 9,954.92 0.957 9,954.92 0.957
10,400 9,954.92

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy +10,400 0.955 +9,954.92 10,400 - 9,954.92 0.957 9,954.92 0.957

IRR -33.41%
Total Capital 9,954.92
Average Cost 0.957 10,400 9,954.92
Market Value 0.375 10,400 3,900.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -6,054.92 [-60.82%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -6,054.92 [-60.82%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -6,054.92 [-60.82%]
Total Buy Transaction 9,954.92
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 9,954.92
Market Value 3,900.00
Total Return -6,054.92
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -60.82%


[4] [HLCAP]: HONG LEONG CAPITAL BERHAD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -4,546.26 [-44.50%] over total capital of 10,216.26  |  IRR: -22.55%

[4] [HLCAP]: HONG LEONG CAPITAL BERHAD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -4,546.26  |  -44.50% return over total capital of 10,216.26  |  Balance Qty.: 1,400  |  Last Price: 1,400  |  Market Value: 1,400

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
1,400 4.05 5,670.00 10,216.26 -4,546.26 -44.50% -44.50%

Total Return: -4,546.26  |  -44.50% return over total capital of 10,216.26  |  IRR: -22.55%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
10,216.26 0.00 [0.00%] -4,546.26 [-44.50%] +0.00 [0.00%] -4,546.26 [-44.50%] -22.55%

Balance Cost: 10,216.26  |  -4,546.26(-44.50%) return over balance cost of 10,216.26

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+10,216.26 -0.00 -0.00 10,216.26 -4,546.26 5,670.00 -44.50%

Last Price: 4.05  |  Average Cost: 7.297 [-44.50%]  |  Balance Cost: 7.297 [-44.50%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
4.05 1,400 7.297 -44.50% 7.297 -44.50%

Total Buy: 10,216.26  |  Buy Qty.: 1,400  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy 7.28 +1,400 +10,216.26 1,400 10,216.26 7.297 10,216.26 7.297
1,400 10,216.26

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy +1,400 7.28 +10,216.26 1,400 - 10,216.26 7.297 10,216.26 7.297

IRR -22.55%
Total Capital 10,216.26
Average Cost 7.297 1,400 10,216.26
Market Value 4.05 1,400 5,670.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -4,546.26 [-44.50%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -4,546.26 [-44.50%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -4,546.26 [-44.50%]
Total Buy Transaction 10,216.26
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 10,216.26
Market Value 5,670.00
Total Return -4,546.26
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -44.50%


[3] [HHRG]: HHRG BERHAD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -7,311.42 [-73.44%] over total capital of 9,955.92  |  IRR:  - %

[3] [HHRG]: HHRG BERHAD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -7,311.42  |  -73.44% return over total capital of 9,955.92  |  Balance Qty.: 12,900  |  Last Price: 12,900  |  Market Value: 12,900

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
12,900 0.205 2,644.50 9,955.92 -7,311.42 -73.44% -73.44%

Total Return: -7,311.42  |  -73.44% return over total capital of 9,955.92  |  IRR:  - %

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
9,955.92 0.00 [0.00%] -7,311.42 [-73.44%] +0.00 [0.00%] -7,311.42 [-73.44%] - %

Balance Cost: 9,955.92  |  -7,311.42(-73.44%) return over balance cost of 9,955.92

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+9,955.92 -0.00 -0.00 9,955.92 -7,311.42 2,644.50 -73.44%

Last Price: 0.205  |  Average Cost: 0.771 [-73.44%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.771 [-73.44%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.205 12,900 0.771 -73.44% 0.771 -73.44%

Total Buy: 9,955.92  |  Buy Qty.: 12,900  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy 0.77 +12,900 +9,955.92 12,900 9,955.92 0.771 9,955.92 0.771
12,900 9,955.92

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy +12,900 0.77 +9,955.92 12,900 - 9,955.92 0.771 9,955.92 0.771

IRR - %
Total Capital 9,955.92
Average Cost 0.771 12,900 9,955.92
Market Value 0.205 12,900 2,644.50
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -7,311.42 [-73.44%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -7,311.42 [-73.44%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -7,311.42 [-73.44%]
Total Buy Transaction 9,955.92
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 9,955.92
Market Value 2,644.50
Total Return -7,311.42
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -73.44%


[2] [AEMULUS]: AEMULUS HOLDINGS BERHAD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -7,231.86 [-73.01%] over total capital of 9,904.86  |  IRR:  - %

[2] [AEMULUS]: AEMULUS HOLDINGS BERHAD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -7,231.86  |  -73.01% return over total capital of 9,904.86  |  Balance Qty.: 8,100  |  Last Price: 8,100  |  Market Value: 8,100

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
8,100 0.33 2,673.00 9,904.86 -7,231.86 -73.01% -73.01%

Total Return: -7,231.86  |  -73.01% return over total capital of 9,904.86  |  IRR:  - %

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
9,904.86 0.00 [0.00%] -7,231.86 [-73.01%] +0.00 [0.00%] -7,231.86 [-73.01%] - %

Balance Cost: 9,904.86  |  -7,231.86(-73.01%) return over balance cost of 9,904.86

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+9,904.86 -0.00 -0.00 9,904.86 -7,231.86 2,673.00 -73.01%

Last Price: 0.33  |  Average Cost: 1.222 [-73.01%]  |  Balance Cost: 1.222 [-73.01%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.33 8,100 1.222 -73.01% 1.222 -73.01%

Total Buy: 9,904.86  |  Buy Qty.: 8,100  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy 1.22 +8,100 +9,904.86 8,100 9,904.86 1.222 9,904.86 1.222
8,100 9,904.86

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy +8,100 1.22 +9,904.86 8,100 - 9,904.86 1.222 9,904.86 1.222

IRR - %
Total Capital 9,904.86
Average Cost 1.222 8,100 9,904.86
Market Value 0.33 8,100 2,673.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -7,231.86 [-73.01%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -7,231.86 [-73.01%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -7,231.86 [-73.01%]
Total Buy Transaction 9,904.86
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 9,904.86
Market Value 2,673.00
Total Return -7,231.86
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -73.01%


[1] [KRONO]: KRONOLOGI ASIA BERHAD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going]  |  Total Return -4,691.99 [-46.90%] over total capital of 10,004.99  |  IRR: -24.01%

[1] [KRONO]: KRONOLOGI ASIA BERHAD (31-Dec-2021 - Present) [On Going] Hints : Click the Stock Name to open the portfolio's stock page.


Unrealized Gain: -4,691.99  |  -46.90% return over total capital of 10,004.99  |  Balance Qty.: 16,100  |  Last Price: 16,100  |  Market Value: 16,100

Balance Qty. Last Price Market Value Average Cost Unrealized Gain URG /
Average Cost (%)
Total Capital (%)
16,100 0.33 5,313.00 10,004.99 -4,691.99 -46.90% -46.90%

Total Return: -4,691.99  |  -46.90% return over total capital of 10,004.99  |  IRR: -24.01%

Total Capital Realized Gain Unrealized Gain Dividend Total Return IRR
10,004.99 0.00 [0.00%] -4,691.99 [-46.90%] +0.00 [0.00%] -4,691.99 [-46.90%] -24.01%

Balance Cost: 10,004.99  |  -4,691.99(-46.90%) return over balance cost of 10,004.99

Total Buy Total Sell Total Dividend Balance Cost Total Return Market Value Total Return /
Balance Cost (%)
+10,004.99 -0.00 -0.00 10,004.99 -4,691.99 5,313.00 -46.90%

Last Price: 0.33  |  Average Cost: 0.621 [-46.90%]  |  Balance Cost: 0.621 [-46.90%]

Last Price Balance Quantity Average Cost Return /
Average Cost
Balance Cost Return /
Balance Cost (%)
0.33 16,100 0.621 -46.90% 0.621 -46.90%

Total Buy: 10,004.99  |  Buy Qty.: 16,100  |  1 buy transactions...

Date Type Unit Price Buy Qty. Net Amt. Balance Shares Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy 0.62 +16,100 +10,004.99 16,100 10,004.99 0.621 10,004.99 0.621
16,100 10,004.99

A total of 1 transactions...

Date Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
31-Dec-2021 Buy +16,100 0.62 +10,004.99 16,100 - 10,004.99 0.621 10,004.99 0.621

IRR -24.01%
Total Capital 10,004.99
Average Cost 0.621 16,100 10,004.99
Market Value 0.33 16,100 5,313.00
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Average Cost (%)] -4,691.99 [-46.90%]
Realized Gain [Realized Gain / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Unrealized Gain [Unrealized Gain / Total Capital (%)] -4,691.99 [-46.90%]
Dividend [Dividend / Total Capital (%)] 0.00 [0.00%]
Total Return [Total Return / Total Capital (%)] -4,691.99 [-46.90%]
Total Buy Transaction 10,004.99
Total Sell Transaction 0.00
Total Dividend 0.00
Balance Cost 10,004.99
Market Value 5,313.00
Total Return -4,691.99
Total Return / Balance Cost (%) -46.90%

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